V3 Dining Room Reservations

Have you ever came across these situations?
1. You want to host a dining event or a party but you can't find the suitable, comfy venue.
2. You want to cook meals for yourself or for your friend's birthday but you are not allowed to do so in the hostel.
3. You have all the ingredients for a perfect meal but not the right utensils.
4. You want to make a food business but you don't have a big place to cook.
We have the perfect solution for you !
V3 Dining Room is now open for reservation.
Contact the PIC for further details
Dinie : 019-5244255
Jannatul : 013-9148175

Please be reminded again that students are NOT allowed to bring in and consume any non-halal meat (bacon and pork) and alcoholic substances in the dining room!!
Thank you for your cooperation.
Do visit us at:
1) Facebook Page: Residential College Support Unit - RCSU UTP

Or email us at
2) utprcsu@gmail.com

Public Relation Department ,
Residential College Support Unit,
Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS
#RVUTP #WeCareForYou #RCSU
